エブリスタ - 小説サービス

by EVERYSTAR Co., Ltd.



This is a novel service where animated works such as “Home of Kyoto Sanjoji Town” and “King Game” were born.nMany people try to write novels for the first time!

Per saperne di piu

投稿作品の書籍化1000冊突破!無料で楽しめるWeb小説サービス「エブリスタ」のアプリです。【エブリスタアプリの特徴】◆200万作品以上からお気に入りの作品が見つかる!・書籍化1000冊突破!読み応えある高クオリティの作品がたっぷり・「本棚」で読んだ作品も読んでいる途中の作品もすっきり整理・「ジャンル」「タグ」などで好みの作品を探せる・「スター」を使って簡単に気持ちを伝えられる・閲覧履歴は保存されるので、間違って閉じても安心・会員登録すれば、閲覧履歴をWebからも引き継げる・(その他読み手向けの推しポイントがあれば)◆こんなジャンルの作品が読めます・恋愛・ファンタジー・現代ファンタジー・ホラー・ノンフィクション・ヒューマンドラマ・BL・青春・ミステリーなどなど◆あなたの書いた作品を読んでもらえる!・小説を投稿してみんなに公開!・見やすいアクセスデータ。読者数がすぐにわかる・もらった「スター」や「本棚」の履歴で執筆モチベアップ!・出版社から声がかかるチャンスも!?◆サクサク書けるオリジナルエディタ!・ルビ付け可能!・iOSでは入力しにくい全角スペースにワンタップで対応!・サクサク動いて書きやすい!・読者からどう見えるかがすぐわかるため、確認いらず!◆定期的なコンテストで楽しく書ける・出版社との協業による書籍化コンテスト・ネタが思いつかないあなたも!お題が出る気軽な短編コンテストを開催ぜひエブリスタを楽しんでください!Over 1000 books have been booked!It is an application of "Everysta", a web novel service that can be enjoyed for free.[Features of Everysta App]◆ Find your favorite works from over 2 million works!・ Over 1000 books! Plenty of high quality works that are easy to read・ Clearly organize the work you have read on the bookshelf・ You can find your favorite works by "genre", "tag", etc.・ Easily communicate your feelings with Star・ Browsing history is saved, so you can safely close it by mistake-If you register as a member, you can transfer your browsing history from the web.・ (If there are other points for readers)◆ You can read works of this genre·love・ Fantasy・ Contemporary fantasy・ Horror·Non-Fiction・ Human drama・ BL・ Youth・ Mysteryetc◆ You can read your work!・ Post novels and share them with everyone!-Easy-to-read access data. Immediately know the number of readers・ Updating with the history of "Stars" and "Bookcases" received!・ An opportunity to get a voice from the publisher! ?◆ Original editor that can write crisply!・ Rubi can be attached!-One-tap support for double-byte spaces that are difficult to enter on iOS!・ Crispy and easy to write!・ You dont need to confirm it because you can see how it looks from the reader!◆ Write fun with regular contests・ Book contests in collaboration with publishers・ Even if you cant think of anything! Held a casual short story contestPlease enjoy Everyista!